Martin Engelbogen

Hello my name is Mar­tin Engel­bo­gen, I’m a designer based in Graz. I love to cre­ate work with a slight sense of humour. One of my big pas­sions are vec­tor graph­ics, with a spe­cial ded­ic­a­tion to cus­tom­ized fonts. I also love pho­to­graphy, so most of the pic­tures on this web­site are taken by me. I’m also trained as a sound designer, with fun­da­mental skills in mix­ing and pro­duc­tion. Forther­more I’m also a real crafts­man, with solid wood­work­ing skills and a pas­sion for work­ing in space (exhib­i­tions, fair stands, urban space, …)

I’m always curi­ous about new chal­lenges, so if you want to work with me or just want to say hello, feel free to con­tact me.

2014 — 2017 Master’s degree pro­gramme
at FH — Joan­neum & Insti­tut für elektron­is­che Musik (Graz)
Depart­ment of Com­mu­nic­a­tion, Media, Inter­ac­tion & Sound Design

2008 — 20012 Bachelor’s degree pro­gramme
at FH — Joan­neum (Graz)
Depart­ment of Inform­a­tion Design

2002 — 2007 A– Levels
at HTBLVA Bulme (Graz)
Depart­ment of Tech­nical Informatics

already worked with/for:
avo­cau­dio, lion’s den, salzig design, salzig sporthocker, rolling pin, chef­days, schub­kraft — epic stu­dios, sub­di­vi­sion, sub­land, land steier­mark, cre­at­ive indus­tries styria, uni­ver­sity of applied sci­ences fh joan­neum graz, die grünen, g.a.j., schub­kraft, shad­ow­forces, shad­ow­dub, dub der guten hoffnung, breakery, …

Mar­tin Engel­bo­gen M.A.

the copy­right for any mater­ial cre­ated by the author remains by the author of this web­site. all rights reserved. any duplic­a­tion or use of objects of the web­site in any form is not per­mit­ted without the author’s prin­ted agree­ment. the author of this web­site is not respons­ible for any con­tent referred or linked from his web­site and states expli­citly that there was no illegal con­tent iden­ti­fi­able on the linked web­sites when cre­at­ing the refer­rals and links.