Martin Engelbogen

burn the machine — berlin winter festival

graphic, flyer, poster, apparel

Burn The Machine was not just another club event on the Ber­lin elec­tron­ica cal­ender, the dates 4th & 5th of Novem­ber have been adop­ted with spe­cific reason. Within Eng­lish tra­di­tion since 1605 these nights are com­mem­or­ated with fire­works, music & the burn­ing of a man called Guy Fawkes. The 5th being the night that the effigy of Guy Fawkes is paraded through the towns & city streets of Eng­land, were even­tu­ally the Guy will be placed on a bon­fire and burnt to a cinder.

The Guy Fawkes effigy was replaced with a more fit­ting sub­ject to the music and cul­ture that Sub­land sup­ports — a robot! With the fire in place Sub­land cel­eb­rated their love for all things machine based with two days of music, art, film and visual per­form­ance, with a line that is second to none, integ­rat­ing and pro­mot­ing Ger­man Djs, live acts & visual artists with recog­nised and well estab­lished inter­na­tional per­formers key to the philo­sophy of both Sub­di­vi­sion and Subland.

Sub­di­vi­sion, Sub­land | Ber­lin
graphic design